About the Questionnaires Function

Use the Questionnaires function to generate questionnaires (e.g. to assign to employees or to generate an inspection list), enter the responses to questionnaires, and generate reports on questionnaires. Various types of questionnaires can be created for medical, safety, case, environmental and industrial hygiene purposes. This function also allows data fields not present in the Cority application, but required by clients, to be captured through a questionnaire.

You define any type of question (e.g. Yes/No, Numeric, Multiple Choice, Text, Date, Table look up, Formula, etc.) and classify the questions into categories (e.g. health assessment, wellness, smoking etc.) for ease of use. Questionnaires are then defined by selecting the questions to be included in a given questionnaire. The same question can be associated with many questionnaires, so there is no need to redefine questions.

Some question types (Multiple Choice, Multiple Choice Checkbox, Normal or Abnormal) allow you to identify valid choices; each of these can be linked to a finding type, so that when that response is selected in a questionnaire, a finding is created along with any associated actions. A Formula type question can also be linked to a finding type depending on the score range.

You can create questionnaires that are based on a subset of questions from another questionnaire. For example, a baseline questionnaire may contain static information such as date of birth, ethnicity etc., as well as variable questions such as weight, stress level etc. Another questionnaire can be created with only variable questions for use in subsequent years, while allowing analysis of responses across all versions of the questionnaire.

A questionnaire may also include headers and footers, company logos, and default answers, or questions that subtotal the scores of other questions, or have an overall score for the questionnaire.

Responses can be analyzed by either the source questionnaire or individual question, with options for data to be presented in graphic format. A questionnaire may be mapped to an entity to create module records and automatically populate record fields with question responses.

This chapter explains how to:

To see the look-up tables used by this module and the reports available, see Module Reference.