Getting Help

Online Help

To view the Cority online help, click i_help.gif at the top of the screen. The topic relating to the current form opens, but you can use the Table of Contents on the left to navigate to other topics.

Custom Help

Cority also provides a way for companies to create their own screen level help -- for example, to capture company-specific guidelines or processes. Some users may be granted access to edit this help text. This type of help is represented by an i_infotext.gif, usually beside the form name. If the button is grey, there is no help text defined; if it is orange, you can click it to view (or edit) the help text.

You can also add URLs to the menu for frequently-accessed external websites. See Customizing Your Menu.

Online User Community

The Cority User Community is a useful tool for clients to find information and interact with Cority and each other. It includes:

These areas are updated regularly to keep the information current.

Before you can sign in to the user community, your email address must be verified by Cority. If you have not received a verification email, contact your system administrator.

To access the community, click User Community at the top of the screen, or go to Contact the Cority helpdesk at if you are having problems accessing the community.