Forced Selection Draw Metrics

If you are performing a Forced Selection drug draw, the draw record will include the following metrics, which reference fields in the Draw record as well as the DrugPool or DrugCombined Pool look-up tables.

Stewardship and Selection Requirements

Total Required Stewardship For Year

If the pool retest length is N, then this is the number of people that are in at least their Nth year of membership.

Total Required Selections For Period

For pools with Retest Length > 1 and Retest Period of “year”, this is calculated as Weighted Pool Size * number of tests per employee (1 or 2).
For all other pools, this is calculated as # in pool * number of tests per employee (1 or 2).

Target Required Selections For Period To Date

End Date = last day of pool. The default is December 31 or the end of the Retest Period. This is affected by Forced By Month, which would end the year earlier. If Forced By Month is October, for example, End Date would be October 31.
Start Date = first day of the pool specified in the pool configuration. This can be a later date if the pool has existed for several years.
Total Days = End Date - Start Date + 1
Current Day = Draw Date - Start Date + 1
Target Required Selections For Period To Date = Ceiling (Weighted Pool Size * Number of Tests Per Employee * Current Day / Total Days).

Target Random Selections YTD

Weighted Pool Size For Year = The system sums up the # in pool for the last day of all months in the draw year up to the month previous to the draw + # in pool for the date of the draw and divides by the total number of months.
Start Date = January 1st of the draw year
End Date = December 31st of the draw year
Total Days = End Date - Start Date + 1
Current Day = Draw Date - Start Date + 1
Target Random Selections YTD = Weighted Pool Size For Year * Annual Random Testing Rate * Current Date / Total Days.

Collection Parameters

Actual Collected Selections YTD

The system counts all selections from the year of the draw that are marked as collected, for people in membership as of the draw date.

Actual Collected Required Selections YTD

The system counts all selections from the year of the draw that are marked as collected and count towards required selections, for people in membership as of the draw (that is, not a repeat selection).

Draw Metrics

Pre Draw (left column)

Actual Required Selections For Period To Date

The system counts all selections for the period to date that count towards stewardship selections, for people in membership as of the draw date.

Actual Random Selections YTD

The system counts all of the random selections for the year to date for people who are in membership as of the draw date.

Total Forced Selections YTD

The system counts all forced selections for the year of the draw, for people in membership as of the draw date.

Total Forced Selections for Period to Date

The system counts all forced selections for the period, for people in membership as of the draw date.

Total Remaining Required Selections For Stewardship For Year

The system sums the number of selections still outstanding for people who must meet stewardship by the end of the year but have not.

Post Draw (right column)

Actual Required Selections For Period To Date

The system counts all selections for the period to date that count towards stewardship selections, for people in membership as of the draw date.

Actual Random Selections YTD

The system counts all of the random selections for the year to date, for people who are in membership as of the draw date.

Total Forced Selections YTD

The system counts all forced selections for the year of the draw, for people in membership as of the draw date.

Total Forced Selections for Period to Date

The system counts all forced selections for the period, for people in membership as of the draw date.

Total Remaining Required Selections For Stewardship For Year

The system sums the number of selections still outstanding for people who must meet stewardship by the end of the year but have not.

Random Required Selections

The number of selections from the current draw that were random and count towards stewardship.

Random Repeat Selections

The number of selections from the current draw that were random and do not count towards stewardship.

Forced Selections

The number of selections from the current draw that were forced (above and beyond the random selections) and count towards stewardship.

All metrics that have a Pre-draw and Post-draw counterpart are calculated the same, except that one is calculated before the draw and the other after the draw.

Stewardship Status

Total Remaining Required Stewardship For Year Pre Draw

The system counts the total number of people in membership as of the draw date that have not yet met stewardship.

Completed Stewardship For Year Percent Pre Draw

The system calculates this as 1 - (Total Remaining Required Stewardship For Year / Total Required Stewardship For Year).

Total Remaining Required Stewardship For Year Post Draw

The system counts the total number of people in membership as of the draw date that have not yet met stewardship.

Completed Stewardship For Year Percent Post Draw

The system calculates this as 1 - (Total Remaining Required Stewardship For Year / Total Required Stewardship For Year).