DrugCombined Pool

Two or more employee pools (set up in the DrugPool table) can be combined to create a new pool for drug testing purposes.

A Forced Selection section allows you to set up a pool that meets stewardship requirements for which you need to draw employees a certain number of times during a year.

An Alcohol Only check box may be added to custom layouts to allow you to draw employees for alcohol tests only.

  1. Select a pool and click Open, or click New to set up a new combined pool.

  2. Enter a Code and Description for this pool.

  3. Enter the acceptable percentage of Drug and Alcohol levels.

  4. Indicate how often the draw should be repeated.

  5. For a Forced Selection draw:

  6. On the Members of this combined pool tab, click New and select the existing pools (from the DrugPool table) to be included in this new combined employee pool.

  7. Click Save.