Drawing a Sample

Cority selects employees for testing from employee pools based on the parameters you enter.

An Alcohol Only check box may be added to custom layouts to allow you to draw employees for alcohol tests only.

  1. In the Occupational Health menu, click Drug Draws.

  2. Use the provided fields to generate a list of existing draws and select a draw from this list, or click New to start a new draw.

  3. Select the Pool type and enter the date range for testing and the possible days of the week on which testing can occur.

  4. In the Actual # per draw fields, enter the number of employees to be tested for drugs and for alcohol.

  5. Select the Reason for testing (this is in the Test Batteries section for Random draws, and the Test Reason section for Forced Selection draws).

  6. If you are doing a Forced Selection draw:

  7. If you are planning to create Sample records, select the test batteries and laboratory to be used.

  8. Cority compares the GDDLOFB values linked to the selected Pool code to the GDDLOFB values in the Demographics module for all employees, and displays all matching employees on the Employees In Pool tab. This list is saved as a static list when the drug draw is saved.
    To print this list, choose Actions»Print Employees in Pool Report.

  9. To make a random selection of the employees in the pool, choose Actions»Randomize, then save the draw when prompted. The selected employees are displayed on the Selected Employees tab, along with the date for testing, those designated for alcohol testing and the status. Employees can only be in one pool at a time. To print this list, choose Actions»Print Selected Employees Report.

  10. The list of selected employees is not displayed until you click Save Draw.

    To view a list of all employees selected in all drug draws, in the Occupational Health menu, click Drug Draw Details. For more information, see Viewing Drug Draw History for Employees.

  11. To create sample records: