
To set up questions and questionnaires, you first create or edit the questionnaire categories in the QuestionCategory look-up table, then create the questions in the SingleQuestion look-up table, then use the Questionnaire look-up table to create or edit a questionnaire by assigning, editing, or removing the questions that define it.

Some questions are provided by Cority; these are identified as Cority Created via a check box at the bottom of the form. These cannot be deleted, and you cannot modify the question details or its valid choices. A Cority Created question can be translated.

  1. To filter the list of records, enter a few characters in one or more of the fields at the top followed by an asterisk, then press enter.

  2. Click a link to open a question, or click New.

  3. Enter a unique Code for the question. It may be helpful to prefix the code with a reference to the module the question will be used with, e.g. RESP-, or HEAR-, etc.

  4. Select a Category to assign the question to.

  5. In the Question field, enter the question. You can also use this field to enter instructions for respondents (select “Instruction” as the Question Type).

  6. Select the Question Type. If you select:

  7. If you want scores within a particular range to generate a finding (with associated action), on the Score Range Classifications tab, configure the score ranges and select the appropriate Finding Type. Note that findings are only generated if the questionnaire is associated to an audit or inspection.

    For Multiple Choice Checkbox questions, respondents can only select one of the available choices. To allow respondents to select multiple choices, use a Multiselect Checkbox type; the question score will be the sum of all selected choices.
    For Multiple Choice, Multiple Choice Checkbox or Multiselect Checkbox, you must define the appropriate layout in the system settings.

    In a completed questionnaire, responses to a Multiselect Checkbox question are separated by a semicolon, so you should take care to not use a semicolon in the choice text to avoid confusion. When the questionnaire is printed, each selection is shown on a separate line.

  8. To auto-populate the response with the user’s previous response to this question (in any questionnaire), select Copy Previous Response. This helps the user to complete the questionnaire more quickly. Auto-populated responses are editable.

  9. If applicable, identify any applicable Legal Requirements related to this question. If a finding is generated as a result of a response, this information is attached to the finding.

  10. Optionally, record a Legal Requirement Popup Message and/or an Advice Popup Message. When this question is added to a questionnaire, there will be an option to Display Advice or Display Legislation.

  11. Optionally, link an Image to the question. An icon will represent the image on the questionnaire. When the end user responding to the questionnaire hovers over the icon, the image will be displayed.

  12. By default, a user has the option to attach documents to their question response; if necessary, change this to Required (the Attach Document button is mandatory) or Not Available (the Attach Document is not displayed).

  13. If necessary, select the Health Center to limit the questionnaire to.

  14. Click Save.

Important: After you have added a question to a questionnaire, you should then use the 'Questionnaire Questions' tab within the Questionnaire itself to make any changes, not the original question on the 'Single Question' layout. After a question has been added to a questionnaire, what appears to the end user on a questionnaire is driven by what is set on the 'Questionnaire Question' tab, not what is set for the originating question on the 'Single Question' layout.