Cority is organized by “suite”. Each suite contains modules specific to that suite. Many modules are used by one or more suites; for example, each suite includes Documents, Letters, Questionnaires, and the Questionnaire Inbox; Audits and Inspections is available in the Safety, Ergonomics, Environmental and Quality suites. Where a module appears in more than one suite, the initial list is limited to records related to that suite. For example, if you click Audits in the Safety menu, you will only see Safety audits; if you want to see Ergonomic audits, you must click Audits in the Ergonomic menu.
Although the documentation covers all modules, you may only have access to some of these, depending on which modules your company purchased.
The modules in the Environmental menu are named and grouped according to the Plan-Do-Check-Act model for Environmental Management Systems. On your Environmental menu, they may have been renamed according to your corporate requirements. Where modules are used in more than one suite, the procedure navigation in this guide identifies the Environmental menu naming (if different) but the other references and screenshots throughout might be different.
This introductory section contains general information that may apply to most, if not all, modules, such as system settings, navigation, reporting, etc.
Basic browser knowledge is assumed. To use the forms available in the Cority web application, you must enable JavaScript in your browser.