Employee Consent

If your system settings are set to use the medical consent functionality, individual HealthCenters may require that users linked to that health center obtain consent to create or access medical records.

If your Default Health Center is not defined (in your system settings), you will not see any records in any medical lists, since Cority cannot determine if you have consent.

If your health center requires consent, the first time you access an employee’s record you are prompted to confirm that you have selected the correct employee and that you have consent. A record is logged on the Consent tab for that practitioner/health center combination.

On the Consent tab you can also manually record that consent has been granted (or denied) to a particular practitioner and health center.

If you do not have consent, you will be denied access when you select the employee globally and then navigate to a medical module, and when you filter by the employee on any of the medical module lists.

Regardless of the system setting (i.e. if you are using the medical consent functionality or not), the audit log for a form (not a list) records each time a record was viewed, and by whom (see Viewing Changes to Records).