Archiving or Purging Data

Employee Data

Your Cority administrator can set up business rules to archive or purge employee records. These rules can be based on specified time criteria: for example, archive an employee’s record five years after his or her termination. All records related to that employee will be removed, e.g. incidents, clinic visits, audiometric exams, etc. An exception to this is if the employee is referenced on another employee’s record(s), e.g. as a supervisor or witness; in that case, the archived employee’s demographics record would be retained through those records.

An optional tab on the employee record, Employee Flags, allows you to attach one or more flags to the records of certain employees for various reasons and for a specified amount of time, to distinguish a group of employees from the rest to include/exclude them from archive and purge processing. If an employee has a flag with a FlagReasons = hold, it is immune from archiving, meaning the employee record cannot be archived until all active hold flags are either removed or marked as inactive.

Other Data Entities

Similarly, the administrator may set up business rules to archive or purge data specific to other entities, such as clinic visit. In this case, all records related to a clinic visit will be archived/purged. In place of the Employee Flags, a condition could be built into the business rule to filter out which clinic visits to archive. For example, you may want to archive/purge non-occupational clinic visit data, but keep occupational clinic visit data.

What Happens to the Records?

For more information on archiving and purging employee records, see the Cority System Guide.