
This table lists units of measure available throughout Cority (e.g. degrees centigrade, decibels, metres) and the suite(s) the UOM is available in.

If you want Metric values recorded in this unit of measure to be converted to a common unit of measure, select the Unit of Measure Category (defined in the UOMCategory look-up table) and enter the conversion Factor required to get to the Base Unit of Measure.

To perform more complex conversions such as temperature, enter an Offset that will be added to the initial conversion. For example, UOMa = UOMb * Factor + Offset. When the Offset value is 0, the following formula is used: UOMa = UOMb * Factor. When neither unit is equal to the base unit, the UOM conversion uses the following formula: UOMb = (UOMa * Factor(a) - Offset(b) + Offset(a)) / Factor(b). In that case, when the Offset value is 0, the following formula is used: UOMb = UOMa * (Factor(a) / Factor(b)).

If you are defining alternate systems of measure in the ClinicalTestUnit table, use the Clinical Testing Conversion Factors tab to define pairs of units of measure and their conversion factor, as well as the factor for converting from mass-based to mole-based units of measure.