
This table defines different status options for appointments, and is used by the Appointments/Scheduling module.

There are three hardcoded statuses that are used for scheduling in the Portal: PORTAL_PND (Pending Approval), PORTAL_APP (Approved), and PORTAL_RJD_CAN (Rejected/Cancelled). Do not edit these.

  1. To filter the list of records, enter a few characters in one or more of the fields at the top followed by an asterisk, then press enter.

  2. Click a link to edit, or click New.

  3. Enter a Code and Description for the status.

  4. Select the Geographic Location and Health Center.

  5. To have picklists for this table only show values corresponding to the user’s geographic location, ensure the Filter Look-up Tables by Geographic Location system setting is enabled.

  6. If you indicate that this is an Arrived status, the arrival time entered in the Schedule entry will be carried over to the clinic visit record when linked to from Scheduling.

  7. Optionally, assign a Color to the status.

  8. Click Save.