
The Letters function uses templates to generate letters that can incorporate data from the module (e.g. a form letter re audiometric test results that includes a particular employee’s hearing test results). The template controls which information goes into each letter using merge fields. When the letter is generated, the merge field is replaced with data from the relevant record(s). For example, a template might include the merge field “<<FromFullAddress>>” -- when the letter is generated, this is replaced with the full address of the user who is sending the letter.

The letter template includes sections for the Header, Body, and Footer. An Email Body section allows you to standardize the corresponding email message that accompanies the letter. If the Header, Body and Footer are blank and only the Email Body is configured, no PDF attachment (letter) will be included in the email.

  1. To filter the list of records, enter a few characters in one or more of the fields at the top followed by an asterisk, then press enter.

  2. Click a link to edit, or click New.

  3. Enter a Code and Description for the letter.

  4. Select the Geographic Location and Health Center.

  5. To have picklists for this table only show values corresponding to the user’s geographic location, ensure the Filter Look-up Tables by Geographic Location system setting is enabled.

  6. Select the Merge Table that contains fields you want to include.

  7. This can include electronic signatures defined in the Employee Signature or Staff Signature field, or Report Writer subqueries from modules that you have access to. When a table from a Report Writer subquery is added to a generated letter, the first 50 rows of report results are added. The order of the rows depends on the sorting defined for the subquery. Up to 15 columns are supported. If the subquery criteria includes the Is Recipient operand, the table will only include data that pertains to the employee for whom the letter is generated.
    If the subquery criteria includes an ID field with the “Equals Main Record ID” operand, the letter will only include data related to the record the letter is sent from.

  8. Optionally, enter a Subject line. You can include merge fields as described below.

  9. Enter the text of the letter:

  10. Click Save.

Default settings for letters (font, font size, margin, logo placement), as well as the default letter templates for Case, IH, Medical, and Safety letters, are controlled by system settings; for more information, see Changing Your System Settings.