
This table lists languages that Cority can appear in (if translations have been entered for the language chosen). If a look-up table description does not have a translation for the selected Language, it will display in English.

To use Google Translate to translate phrases and field labels, select the Google Translation Language code that corresponds with the Language record.
To use Microsoft Azure to translate phrases and field labels, select the Microsoft Azure Translation Language code that corresponds with the Language record.

If you are capturing Safety Data Sheets in different languages, select the SDS Language that this language should be associated with. You may need to add this field to your layout.

The Data Cube can only be translated into specific languages. For each language record, indicate which language should be used for the Data Cube entities. For example, you might have two language records for English: the default (US) and UK. For both of these languages, the Data Cube Language would be set to the default English.