Setting Up Profiles

– Administrator function –

A profile is a set of system settings and menu configuration that can be applied to a user. Users are assigned a profile much like they are assigned a role. So, like a role, you should configure profiles before assigning them to users.

If you change a profile’s system settings, all users who are linked to that profile will have their default system settings updated. A user may still modify some of their system settings for their own purposes, but you can reset their system settings to match the profile settings.

Similarly, if you change a profile’s menu configuration, all users linked to that profile will see a different menu configuration. For information about defining menu configuration for a profile, see Managing Menu Configurations.

Creating a Profile

  1. In the Administrator menu, click Profiles.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter a name for the profile and click Save.

Do not use spaces or special characters in profile names.

To assign a profile to a user, retrieve the user record and select the appropriate Default Profile.

Defining a Profile’s System Settings

  1. In the Administrator menu, click Profiles.

  2. Click a link to edit the profile.

  3. Choose Actions»View System Settings.

  4. Edit the system settings as required for this profile, then click Save.

For more information about system settings, see Changing Your System Settings.